A Freelance Translator’s New Year Resolutions


1. I will try and invest in my knowledge. I will get training in areas within or without my field of expertise that I feel will help my business or my degree of comfort with the type of projects I want to be working on.

2. I will try and differentiate myself from the rest, offering one or more types of services that go beyond the traditional translation/proofreading scheme. For that, I will need to think outside the box.

3. I will try and set a price for my services that is consistent with the value my clients are getting in return for their money, a price below which I would rather do something else for a living.

4. I will try and define my target market as accurately as possible. If I am being asked to lower my rates on every single job, I may be targeting the wrong clients.

5. Within reason, I will try and set my own standards as to how much work I can consistently translate/back-translate/proof/quality manage per hour/day. 

6. I will try and learn to say “No”. “No” to lowering my rates. “No” to accepting projects or deadlines I am not comfortable with. “No” to working with people who do not respect me or my work.

7. I will try and eat right— I will try and say “No” to eating in front of the computer, “No” to grabbing a quick bite of anything handy while hurrying to get a rush job done, “No” to drinking excessive amounts of coffee to keep me going through the night.

8. I will try and get enough rest on a regular basis. Because of a heavy family/work burden, I know I am unable to sleep 8 hours non-stop, so I will try and take a couple of short naps sometime over the day.

9. I will try and take a weekend off every now and then, and a decent, unplugged vacation once a year. I will try and say “No” to vacationing with a notebook, cables, extra batteries, a diary book, dictionaries, terminology lists, or the like.

10. I will try to keep, and build on, the above resolutions. And I am serious about it.

What about you?

Have you made any resolutions of your own for the coming year? Are they very different from mine?


10 thoughts on “A Freelance Translator’s New Year Resolutions

    1. Thank you, Caroline! This is actually new grounds for me. Except for a few guest posts in other blogs, including yours, I’m a complete newbie to this arena. And I’m actually thrilled about the experience! Thanks again! Have a Happy New Year, you too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Magda! Happy New Year to you, too! Oddly as it may seem, writing (and sharing) my resolutions for the past few years has actually helped me stick to them. I still have a long way to go, though! 🙂


    1. I’m glad to hear you share these goals, and it sounds great to me that you’re focusing on personal aspects of your life, something we all translators and freelancers in general should do.

      I wish I could read Greek, but the images on your blog post have given me a good idea of what you’re talking about! 🙂

      Big hugs and hopefully till soon!

      Liked by 1 person

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